
12:52 PM Edit This 0 Comments »
I am very frustrated and disappointed and I don't really have an outlet for it. Grrrr. Betsi is graduating from 8th grade tomorrow and I wanted it to be great and have family and friends around her to support her and show her how proud we are of what she's accomplished despite all of the crap she's gone through the last couple of years. She's excelled in the gifted program, stayed on the honor roll, and is just amazing in general.

The school is having her graduation at 8:15am on a Tuesday which makes it hard for anyone to come from out of town or for people in town as well. Then the weekend after, when we'd like to have a party for her it's Memorial Day weekend and everyone is too busy with their own plans. I know that it's no one's fault and; of course, it's an important weekend with tons of stuff going on but I really wanted her to have something special.

The good news is that my Mom and Dad Twitchell are coming Friday night to treat us to Paisano's and celebrate. Hopefully I can talk Mom into bringing an amazing cake that she designed. My sister and her family were going to come but CJ has to work all weekend, and Billy's family all had plans. Oh well, we'll make the best of it!

In other news, Billy goes to court Thursday to make the change in residency for Betsi official and to alter child support which will really help on the financial front. It's really expensive to pay for a teenager and pay full child support for her at the same time, it's made things pretty tight the last couple of months so it will be great to get that fixed.

Betsi's decided to go to Topeka High like we were hoping and is all enrolled so Yay! She's also going to take violin lessons over the summer, she plays so beautifully! Liam is glad school's out but also a little sad that he won't see his friends every day. Davis is still Davis, doing a lot better health wise and growing up so fast.

On Sunday it will be Billy and I's 6th Wedding Anniversary, we have no plans really but I'm looking forward to it just the same. Anyway, this is just a lot of rambling so I'll end it. I hope you all have a great week!


Mother's Day

7:02 PM Edit This 0 Comments »
This day has been a bittersweet one for me for the last several years. After 3 miscarriages and finally coming to terms that having children just wasn't in the cards for me, I married a man with 2 amazing kids. Then, out of the blue, along came the chance to adopt Davis and now I am the proud "mother" to three children that mean the world to me.

I still tear up at times thinking about the baby that I won't ever carry myself but my life is so full and I'm so incredibly grateful for all that I have.

Betsi, who will be 15 this year has grown into such a beautiful, talented, caring person. I find myself constantly amazed by her and her spirit. She is open and friendly and makes friends with everyone she meets. Her sensitivity and intelligence combine to create a wonderful young woman.

Liam will be 10 in just 2 months, such a difference from that 3 year old little guy I fell absolutely in love with all those years ago. He has a knack for being just as random as I and the two of us can entertain each other with our randomness for hours. His laugh and his smile are the first things that come to my mind when I think of him. I love watching him learn and grow and question.

Davis, who I cannot believe will be 3 in July, completes the trio. He is so smart and talking in paragraphs, telling stories, and becoming a very growing up little guy. He lights up a room with his laughter and is always very very busy. When I snuggle him close I feel like everything is perfect.

I just wanted to say thank you to the man that introduced all of this love and wonder into my life and to the 3 amazing children who allow me to be their "mother".

I love you guys so so so much.